Observational Research

I have spent the last few months focusing on me. Think of it as a qualitative sample of the inventory of things inside my head. Sort of a "what's the deeper meaning" time in my life. After analyzing the data I have decided I would much rather be a unicorn. A figment of my own imagination...beautiful...mysterious...also, I could poop glitter on the door steps of people I don't like!
I wonder if glitter poop lit on fire has the same putrid smell as dog poop...hmmm probably not. I imagine it smells much more like Skittles. On second thought maybe I should be pooping glitter on the doorsteps of my besties! Why give raging douche bags my Skittle smelling glitter poop!
Maybe I could bag it and sell it! I am sure my unicorn glitter poop and Skittles could share the market! Yes! This is a great idea except I don't think people would buy something called glitter poop...maybe I should think of a name for this spectacular new product before I go writing a business plan. Also, I have to keep in mind that I am in fact not a unicorn...what a bummer! I could have been the richest unicorn ever!


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