"Oh we mustn't dwell, no not today. We can't. Not on Rex Manning Day"
I have had one of those days that by the end of it all if you don't laugh you will cry. Mother's Day sent me on an emotional roller coaster and I am still working my fingers off the lap bar if you know what I mean.
Today began like any other day. Thing 1 (Sleaven) trapping Thing 2 (Sylus) in the laundry basket and laughing at him through the tiny holes in the side of the basket. The entire time Thing 2 was screaming like he was being crucified for the sins of everything that is unholy!
As the day escalated I started to wonder...
Do all parents feel they are the worst possible person on the planet to be in charge of children? Or is that just me? Some days I feel there must be someone more qualified for the job. Someone who has...idk read the correct self-help (what the fuck is wrong with my child) books and knows exactly how to make them stop making that god awful screeching noise at the top of their lungs. For the life of me...I tried to find that person within myself today. Trust me if she was in here I would have found her ass today!
I often watch other parents in stores with their unruly children. The looks on their faces make me pretty positive there is no way in hell they want to be dealing with crazy screaming children in any capacity. Isn't there somewhere we can send our children to...idk make them not act like unreasonable lunatics? No...oh because that is our job...CRAP. All right whatever.
Just as a side note - please know that I love my children dearly most of the time ;)
And now, because I could always use a good reason to watch clips from my favorite classic 90's movie, here are some clips...from my favorite classic 90's movie...Enjoy!
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