Nobody is getting out alive!

I feel like I have a lot to say and absolutely no idea how to say it.

Life is pulling me in so many different directions I am not sure which way to turn first. All the things that are pushing and pulling me are things that are very important to me. They are things like finishing school and hanging with my kids and my photography business and art show and such...see what I mean. All important. All stressful to a certain degree. Some more than others. 

I recently started having panic attacks. This is a first for me. I also got some bad-ish...although inconclusive news from the doctor. 

Life is hard right now. It is scary as fuck. And I am alone now. SHITDAMNHELL!

I am trying not to give up. Either way I am not getting out of this life alive, but I am not ready to give up. I just need to get my groove back. Any ideas on how to do that?

yeah me neither...


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