Let's Do This!

I woke up from what I feel like (because I don't remember the dream) were sad dreams last night. I could not shake the overwhelming sadness all day. It came around to 1 pm and I was still sitting on the couch. I hadn't showered and I just felt miserable. I was unhappy for no reason and just zoned out. I hated it. It took me a couple of hours to get myself out the door, but I did it. I walked 1.10 miles with my besties. We are going to start using Map My Walk to challenge each other when we can't get together. We are also attempting to meet up once every weekend to walk.

I feel SUBSTANTIALLY better now. I have energy. I don't have the impending doom type feeling anymore. 

Recently I have started consciously making an effort to write something everyday. Nothing with any kind of rules. Just spit it out through the keyboard and be done with it. Sometimes it turns into something. Sometimes it takes an extremely personal turn that I am not anywhere near ready to share with the world and sometimes it is one giant beautiful disaster jumping from this to that without warning. 

Then there are things like this that nobody will read. I like the way it flows so I am gonna post it anyway though. 

So writing and walking are my new things for the time being. Let's see how long I can keep it up. I am at a place where I really need some positive energy in my life. After all the sickness this past 6 months I am ready to get healthy! 



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